
Campaign Life Coalition -
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute -
Human Life International -
Life International -
LifeSite -
Pontifical Council for the Family -
Life Dynamics -
Missionaries of the Gospel of Life -
National Pro-Life Action Center -
Political Responsibility -
Priests for Life -
Priests for Life (Canada) -
Rachel’s Vineyard -
Renewal Ministries -
Sanctity of Life Ministries -
Silent No More -
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUUC) -
United for Life Foundation -

40 Days for Life
A national campaign of 40 days of prayer and fasting to help bring an end to abortion

Abba Pregnancy Care Center of Winchester, VA We are a Christian organization providing truthful information and compassionate help concerning pregnancies, affirming life and promoting abstinence.

Abort73 Simply put, we are out to educate young people about the injustice of abortion through a comprehensive and engaging website.

Abortion Advocates This is the latest list of companies who have donated funds between 1988 and 1999 to organizations that promote abortion.

Abortion, Does It Matter? Here you can see an inspirational picture of 4400 abortion memorial crosses.

Abortion Education-Abortion Answers We provide information about crisis pregnancy centers, fetal development, and the various effects of abortion.

Abortion: Engage the Debate Our purpose is to show how politicians undemocratically refuse to engage the abortion debate. We provide sample correspondence for citizens to encourage their representatives to engage this debate.

Abortion Essay I attempt to answer the questions: Why has the tragedy of abortion happened in our time and what can we do to stop it?

Abortion Facts This is a website, constructed by Heritage House, that seeks to bring together quality information on the abortion debate from many sources.

Abortion Industry in Melbourne, FL This site provides news and Facts about the abortion industry in Florida.

Abortion Law Homepage This page is being constructed to help people understand the background and state of abortion law in America, and access related legal material--especially that which is less available and less well known.

Abortion and the Market Failure Theory Pro-life sentiment exists within a substantial minority of classical liberals.

Abortion is Murder Every year a million and a half children are killed before they are born.

Abortion Pro-life Test "Test" proposed to help examine the views held by pro-lifers

Abortion TV Visit this site of abortion information presented in a unique style

Abstinence Clearinghouse This is a non-profit national educational organization that promotes the appreciation for and practice of sexual abstinence

Accuracy in Media For fairness, balance and accuracy in news reporting…

ACT (Associated Conservatives of Texas) Texas grassroots information network dedicated to preserving life and liberty in our land (Check out information on Project Truth.)

Adding My Voice Against Abortion This website gives Pro-Life responses to common "pro-choice" arguments. We are affirming life in greater Cincinnati and beyond.

After the Choice This is my loving effort to let those who have made the choice, but now know the truth, know that there is peace and forgiveness for them.

Aid for Women An online pregnancy counseling center

Alabama Physicians for Life The Physicians For Life web site contains/will contain detailed abortion information, euthanasia information, STD information, and abstinence material aimed at teens, parents, concerned citizens, and physicians.

Alaska Interior Right to Life We are working to change people's hearts and minds to protect the precious gift of life from conception to natural death.

Alliance for Life Ministries We are a conservative, family-oriented organization with an interdenominational Christian philosophy. We promote the sanctity (sacredness) of all human life from a Biblical and biological perspective.

Allied Women's Center of San Antonio The Center encourages women to bring their pregnancies to term and helps them with their needs after their child is born.

American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists Our purpose is to reaffirm the unique value and dignity of individual human life in all stages of growth and development from conception onward.

American Portrait Films We have the largest selection of pro-life videos on the web.

America's Choice This site seeks to educate you about the abortion issue in an easy-to-understand fashion.

America’s Crisis Pregnancy Helpline A national hotline resource that helps people find their local CPC or maternity home, and offers counseling and education over the phone.

American Center for Law and Justice An international public interest law firm that focuses on pro-life, pro-family, and pro-liberty cases

American Family Association Pro-family Christian association fighting evils such as pornography…

American Life League Full-featured, regularly-updated site

American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property This site is dedicated to studying the foundations of tradition and the ways to counteract disintegration in society. (If you experience difficulty with the above link, type this address into your web browser:

American Victims of Abortion "The primary work of AVA involves broad-based public awareness campaigns. Some of our efforts involve legislative initiatives and judicial activity."

The Americans to Ban Cloning Coalition We promote a global, comprehensive ban on human cloning.

Americans United for Life AUL is a national public-interest law firm dedicated to reinstating respect for human life through law and education.

Angelorum Pregnancy Services Online pregnancy resources

Anglican Catholics For Life We exists to proclaim the truth that, "Every human being, from the time of his conception, is a creature and child of God, made in His image and likeness, an infinitely precious soul; and the unjustifiable or inexcusable taking of life is always sinful".

Anglican Priests for Life Anglican Catholic Church in Erie, PA

Angela Baird Memorial In eternal memory of Angela Louise Baird, dedicated and courageous young prolifer, who died after being rescued from falling into a ravine

Anti-Abortion Signs Our approach is to simply show our neighbors what abortion really looks like, through the production and sale of a series of unique, large color photo signs.

Arch of Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary The purpose of this vast undertaking is to promote the Culture of Life and the New Springtime of the Church.

Archdiocese of Indianapolis Office of Pro-Life Activities The Pro-Life Office seeks to reach out to parish based pro-life groups and serve as a resource for them as they address the issues of life.

Arizona for Life Our mission is to coordinate the pro-life cause in Arizona.

Arizona Right to Life Arizona's strongest, oldest and largest pro-life organization.

Arkansas Right to Life ARTL's primary purpose is to educate through the presentation of detailed and factual information about fetal development, abortion, alternatives to abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and related issues.

Art In Utero Lisa Wood paints portraits of babies in utero from sonograms.

Artwork with a Catholic, prolife theme

Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League A nontheistic and nonreligious opposition to the life-denying horror of abortion

Baby Body-Parts Trafficking This website seeks to pose the question to America, "How can baby body-parts trafficking be occurring in the United States of America, whose founding principles are Life, Liberty, and Justice for all?"

Baby Picture Project It is my goal to collect thousands of baby pictures to represent the number of babies lost daily to abortion worldwide.

Baptists for Life BFL helps local churches form biblically centered, evangelistic pro-life ministries

Baylor University Bears for Life Bears for Life was founded in 1997 by Michael FitzGerald.

Bergen County Right to Life This is the official Bergen County chapter of New Jersey Right to Life.

Berks Pennsylvanians for Human Life We are a County Chapter of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and through education, we proclaim the truth about abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.

Berkeley Students for Life (BSL) is dedicated to educating the Cal community about the dignity of human life, especially that of the preborn and the seriously ill.

Bethesda Healing Ministry We are a Catholic Christian ministry of hospitality and healing. Through a community of love and acceptance, all men and women wounded by abortion are invited, and supported.

Bethesda, The House of Mercy We provide a community of healing and a sanctuary of hope for persons wounded by abortion.

Billboards for Life Our sole purpose is to blanket cities and towns with Catholic pro-life billboards.

Billings Ovulation Method This is the official U.S. site of Drs. Billings.

Birth Choice Clinic We are a group of 4 prolife medical clinics providing medical services (ultrasound, STD testing) and counseling to abortion-vulnerable women in the Orange County, California area.

Birth Choice of California At Birth Choice we believe no woman should ever be in the position of making a decision in haste or while feeling desperate or alone.

Birthright of Cleveland, Ohio This site provides information and help for those with a crisis pregnancy in Ohio.

Black Americans for Life Organization dedicated to education about pro-life issues

Born Silent People need to act, and we are making it as simple as possible.

Bridge To Life Pro-life organization offers a vast array of pro-life resources and counseling for women and men facing difficult pregnancies.

Bucks County Pennsylvania Pro-Life Coalition Our primary mission is to provide financial support to area Crisis Pregnancy Homes that protect women from being forced or coerced into having abortions.

California Pro-Life Council We believe our goal will be accomplished on two fronts: (1) working within the law to change the law and (2) changing public opinion through education.

California Right to Life Our Objective is to foster a pro-life mentality through education.

Campaign for Working Families We are a non-partisan political action committee dedicated to electing pro-family, pro-life and pro-free enterprise candidates to federal and state offices.

Campaign Life Coalition

Capital of Texas Democrats for Life The Democratic Party's strong commitment to human rights leads naturally to a pro-life position.

Capital Research Center Research dedicated to counter the culture of death…

Capitol Hill Prayer Alert Sound the Trumpet Ministries, providing prayer intentions related to activities on Capitol Hill

Cardinal Newman Society An intercollegiate organization of students, educators and alumni founded to promote "Preservation of Catholic Higher Education"…including the pro-life identity of universities…

CareNet A Ministry of Care for Women in Crisis

The Case Against Abortion on Demand Feminists have claimed that this right to abortion is essential for women to achieve full liberation, and that anything less than complete control over their reproductive rights is a form of patriarchal control.

Catholic Alliance This website has news updates on pro-life issues.

Catholic Analysis This site contains reflections and insights on current issues, including abortion.

Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights Largest American Catholic civil rights organization

Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas This is the web site of The Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas, the Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas.

Catholic Respect Life We advance the pro-life cause with prayer, persuasion, personal intervention, and political action.

Catholics Against Capital Punishment A national advocacy organization working for the abolition of the death penalty in the U.S.

Catholic Planet Read pro-life testimonies on this online, international Catholic magazine.

Catholics United for Life Prayer and witness for all innocent human life

Catholic Vessel of Hope Site provides some facts on abortion and what you can do to stop it.

Central Illinois Right To Life, Inc This website contains current pro-life news and perspectives, announcements of coming events and general information about abortion, euthanasia, and other issues in Peoria Illinois, and beyond.

Center for Bioethical Reform Information on some of the latest and most effective pro-life strategies and seminars

Chalet Magnificat This Community Family Shelter provides transitional safe housing to vulnerable families, mothers and children, below the poverty level.

Champaign County Right to Life Our mission is education and action to end abortion and assisted suicide, legal or illegal.

Chastity Call Chastity education and encouragement

A Child, Not A Choice The website provides links and information about the horror of Partial Birth Abortion and links to pictures.

Child Predators Busted! Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation have been caught in a pedophile protection scandal.

Children of God for Life This is a campaign for ethical vaccines.

Children of the Rosary "Fighting abortion through prayer and presence at abortion mills"

Choice is Yours This is the title of a hard-hitting brochure, which shows the choice of love and the choice of death.

Choice to Live We exist primarily to provide information and ideas for those who respect human life. We frequently update our site by linking to relevant news articles which relate to life issues.

Choices Medical Clinic The only pro-life medical clinic in the United States that is next to a late-term abortionist.

Choose Birth This site provides Massachusetts pregnancy resources and other pro-life links.

Choose the Child Ten percent of all our profits go to the pro-life movement.

Christian Adoption Non-profit Christian Internet adoption service ministry Extensive list of links

Christian Coalition of America This is the largest and most active conservative grassroots political organization in America.

Christian Family Services of the Midwest We serve pregnant women in the greater Kansas City, Kansas area.

Christian Life Resources We are concerned with caring for mother, child, and family, and with medical ethics and social life.

Christian Patriots for Life This is a National Prolife Voter Registration Campaign.

Christ’s Faithful People For information on how to improve your local community Catholic communities, check out this Rhode Island group. Some pro-life homilies can be found here.

ChristusMedicus Foundation Reclaim Christ-centered health care by reforming corporate and public policy to allow God's people a "conscientious choice" in selecting health insurance.

Citizens Concerned for Human Life The LIFE People work in the Capital District of New York State to advance the protection of human life from conception to natural death through community outreach and education, public advocacy, including peaceful picketing, sidewalk counseling and referral, cooperative pro-life projects; and by seeking fair and equal treatment for those with pro-life beliefs.

Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia (CURE, Ltd.) Grassroots advocacy network opposed to euthanasia

Cleveland Right To Life (OH) The right to life of an innocent human being is absolute and cannot be surrendered. Could your job land you in jail? Abortion clinic employees, protect yourselves!

Coalition for Life We were formed in 1998 when Planned Parenthood announced plans to build the first abortion clinic in the history of Bryan-College Station, Texas. Since that time we have expanded throughout Central and Southeast Texas.

The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics To advance the development of medical treatments and therapies that do not require the destruction of human life, including the human embryo.

Coastal Empire Right to Life (GA) Although our pro-life activities take place principally in Savannah, we include in our newsletter, Life Lines, and this Web site the news and activities throughout the First Congressional District of Georgia and national news having an effect on pro-life issues.

Collegians Activated to Liberate Life A network of college pro-life groups

Colorado Right to Life The mission of CRTL is to promote reverence and respect for human life without regard to condition, quality, age, race, religion, creed or color, whether born or unborn.

Concerned Women for America Nation's largest pro-family women's organization

Concordia (MN) Collegians for Life CFL works to present the fully detailed and factual information necessary to make informed decisions about such topics as fetal development, abortion, alternatives to abortion, euthanasia, infanticide and crisis pregnancies.

Connecticut Pro-Life Council Catholics, Protestants, Jews and others--must all be united with one single purpose--protecting the rights and sanctity of all human life.

Consistent Life We witness to the human rights of all...the unborn, those on death row, sick or infirmed, global neighbors and victims of war, of poverty, and of racism.

Constitution Party of Pennsylvania

CPC-Link Search Engine This is your source for locating a crisis pregnancy center in the United States or Canada in your time of need!

Creighton Students for Life The purpose of this organization is to be a voice on campus that insists upon the inherent value of every human life, in all stages.

Crisis Pregnancy Center of Natchitoches, Inc.

Crisis Pregnancy Centers Online (CPCs Online) Links with database of 1,600 Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Crossroads Pro-Life, Inc. We are volunteer college age students who spend the summer months on a walking pilgrimage across the United States. We are considered the "survivors" of the abortion holocaust.

Crusade for Life We believe that the taking of prenatal life up to some arbitrary age limit is directly contrary to God's law.

Culture of Life Foundation Culture of Life Foundation is an independent, international, non-profit organization that upholds and promotes traditional Judeo-Christian morality and fosters respect for human life at all stages.

David Joseph Jolivet This is a personal story written by parents of a newborn who only lived two days…This site is a memorial to the dignity of the unborn.

Dayton Right to Life This group is an affiliate chapter of the Ohio Right to Life Society and the National Right to Life Committee.

The Death of Diana Lopez Read the story about this mother of two who died from a "safe" and legal abortion at a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Sacramento.

Defend Life Defend Life sponsors pro-life lectures and publishes a pro-life newsletter.

Delaware Right to Life Only through the dedicated efforts of people like you can Delaware and America create a society that cherishes and protects life, regardless of the consequences that brought that life into being.

Delaware Valley Pro-life Alliance

Democrats for Life of America, Inc. To be a Democrat should not and does not mean you should be in favor of abortion. Find out why.

Democrats Pro-life of KY This site helps support democrats who are pro-life.

Diana's Prolife Page If Abortion is such a cruel act, why do so many women support it?

Diocese of Fort Worth Pro-Life Ministry Our mission is to implement the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities in our Diocese.

The Divine Mercy Learn about what devotion to the Divine Mercy is, and how intimately it is connected to the Pro-life movement.

Duke Students for Life Duke Students for Life is a pro-life student organization at Duke University that is devoted to upholding the value of life through promoting awareness, education, support, and healing.

Eagle Forum Standing for the fundamental right of parents to guide the education of their own children.

Easton Publishing An excellent Pro-Life Publishing Company

Educational Center for Life We are a resource Center for the Study of Life Issues

Elijah Ministries Working to bring Christianity to everyone…and to defend life

Elizabeth Ann Seton Program This is a pro-life organization under the Diocese of Springfield, IL, Office for Social Concern. We give "hands on" assistance to pregnant and parenting women in need.

Eric Eckenrode A post-abortive father honors his child though music.

Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention This Commission exists to help churches understand the moral demands of the gospel, apply Christian principles to moral and social problems and questions of public policy, and to promote religious liberty.

Evangelization Station Pro-Life Articles We are dedicated to Catholic apologetics and Evangelization within and outside the Church. This site is dedicated to the proposition that "Catholic" champions of abortion should be excommunicated.

Expectant Mother Care (New York) (EMC) is a family-like non-profit counseling service for young girls and women caught in an untimely pregnancy or in a cycle of promiscuity or post-abortion syndrome.

Face Life, Inc. We produce, promote, sponsor/co-sponsor, endorse and encourage events, projects and activities that bring truth and awareness regarding Life Issues to the public with integrity.

Face the Truth America Help us show the ugly truth about abortion.

Facts of Life (Pennsylvania) We bring the true message of the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death to the community in order to influence a more life supportive society.

Family Research Council Pro-family issues research site dedicated to family, faith and freedom

Feminists for Life "Core feminist principles of justice, non-violence, and non-discrimination compel us to speak out against all forms of violence, including the violence of abortion."

Fetal Life and Abortion Learn more about Human Personhood at Conception

First Way Pregnancy Support Services, IL Our mission is to provide loving assistance, emotional and financial support for women and girls who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy.

First Way Life Center, CT We can answer your questions, meet your needs and help you through the long haul.

Florida Right to Life FRTL the state's largest pro-life organization, dedicated to protecting innocent human life.

Foundation for Life This site will give you answers to your questions about abortion.

Frederica Mathewes-Green Frederica speaks on many topics including her reasons for moving from a feminist position to one opposing abortion.

Freedom to Learn The mission of FTL is to ensure that the pro-life story receives equal balance and treatment in the public and private schools.

Friends for Life Visit this clearinghouse for pro-life activities in the Dayton, Ohio area, linking local churches, respect life committees, prayer vigil efforts, crisis pregnancy centers, and pro-life organizations.

Friends of Aborted Women are Needed Now (FAWNN) This ministry exists to offer hope and encouragement for women who have had abortions.

Friends of the Unborn (Massachusetts) A Christian organization, Crisis Pregnancy Center and sheltering-home for pregnant, homeless young women

Gabriel Project From the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, Dr. Marcella Colbert directs this Catholic ministry that evangelizes and saves lives, using the local parish as the haven in which women who are pregnant and in need can hear an echo of Gabriel’s message, “You have nothing to fear!”

Gems of God This website sells a "Celebration of Life" poetry and music CD.

Generations for Life We are the Youth outreach of the Pro-Life Action League and this blog speaks to teens about the life issues. 

Georgetown University Right to Life We believe that through persistent effort, we can and will create a society in which abortion, euthanasia and the death penalty have no place.

George Washington University Law School Culture of Life Legal Society This website includes a page on the evolution of abortion law through the courts (with links to the complete text of all cases) and audio from the oral arguments of some of the more contentious cases.

Georgia Right to Life We are Georgia's major pro-life organization, with local chapters across the state and over 70,000 supporters.

Gifts for the Unborn We offer small gifts to mothers when they first test positive in a crisis pregnancy.

GIFT Foundation A not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the virtue of lifelong chastity…

God Reign Publishing

God's Little Ones We offer high quality, life size, realistically detailed portraits of real preemie babies. This is as close as you can get to having a living preemie baby in your hands to show others their humanness and delicate beauty.

Gonzaga University Right to Life

Good Life Publishing Devoted to helping families in crisis, including crisis pregnancies…

Good Counsel Homes We offer referrals for anyone from around the country, and assist pregnant, mentally ill and/or drug addicted women.

Gospel of Life Ribbon Campaign An Apostolate calling for the use of purple label ribbons as an outward sign to the entire world that we will not tolerate legalized killing through abortion or euthanasia.

Gravity Teen We are teens, some being real life survivors of abortion, and we are sharing our stories with other teens.

Hawaii Catholic Family for Life Visit this family's pro-life page dedicated to the unborn.

Heartbeat of Lima (Ohio) This site provides information on how to find any and all resources needed when you are faced with a pregnancy.

Heaven's Friends We are a non-profit Catholic pro-life organization that supports, spiritually and financially, pro-life, pro-family activities to end abortion.

Heidi Group The Heidi Group is committed to helping women and men in unplanned pregnancies with the positive choice of life, both physical and eternal.

Helpers of God's Precious Infants The Helpers offer legal, prayerful, effective means for the People of God to be present at abortion centers as at a new Calvary.

Her Choice - Post-Abortion Awareness Campaign At this website, you can listen to recordings made by people who have faced the abortion question.

Heritage House 76 Online resource catalog with large selection of pro-life materials including books, videos, bumper stickers, pins, etc.

His Nesting Place Advocating for the unborn and ministering to the needs of women in a crisis pregnancy…

Holy Innocents Ministry I prayed to God for direction in my pro-life walk and found myself recovering the bodies of aborted babies from garbage cans.

H.O.P.E. (Helping Others to Pursue Eternity) This group of young girls (ages 11 and up) proclaim the Faith and work hard to bring about the Culture of Life!

Hope Pregnancy Centers of Broward County, FL When it seems the darkest…there is hope!

Horsley, Neal
This prolife activist has compiled a number of websites which show the horror of abortion and identify some of the "doctors" who practice it.

Christian Gallery

Abortion Cams Across America

House of Atreus This web page develops some of the themes laid out in my book, The House of Atreus: Abortion as a Human Rights Issue (Praeger Publishers, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999). -- Jim Bohan

Human Life Alliance of Minnesota Committed to advancing true justice by protection of all human life…

Human Life of Washington We are the largest and longest-established pro-life education organization in Washington State.

Idaho Chooses Life We are a multi-partisan political action committee organized to support Pro-Life candidates for public office in Idaho, and to lobby for Pro-Life laws in our legislature.

Illini Collegians for Life We have continuously opposed the destruction of all human life, and educate the student body about abortion and other life issues.

Illinois Citizens for Life Through education, social action, and lobbying, ICL works to secure the principle that all human beings are legal persons at every stage of biological development.

Illinois Federation for Right to Life This is the Illinois State affiliate for National Right to Life.

Illinois Right to Life Committee We are a resource center for films, slides, videos, books and literature on life-related issues: abortion, infanticide and assisted suicide.

Illinois University Collegians for Life ISU Collegians for Life is a student organization located on the campus of Illinois State University in Normal, IL.

In our Midst We equip the Body of Christ to help those who have been hurt by abortion and sexual sin.

Indianapolis Right to Life Their mission is to promote respect for the worth and dignity of all human life.

Indiana Right to Life As a link between local and national activities, Indiana Right to Life serves as a united voice and a clearinghouse of information to the media and to individuals.

Institute on Religious Life Resources on religious vocations

Invest in Pro-Life Paladin Financial Group is finding the culture of life on Wall Street.

Iowa Right to Life Committee IRLC identifies, educates, and mobilizes the prolife population of Iowa, building an informed community and an effective organization to restore respect and protection for all human life.

Iron County, MI Right to Life Our goals are to save babies, help the mothers and educate the public.

Ivy League Coalition for Life Student-organized pro-life activities…

Jackson County (OR) Right to Life Our membership includes people from all walks of life, from various political, social and economic backgrounds who share the same common desire to protect innocent human life from abortion, infanticide and euthanasia.

Jews for Life This organization reflects the traditional Jewish pro-life perspective on abortion.

John Carroll University Right to Life We are an organization of college students who believe that everyone has a right to live and that this right stems from our basic human dignity.

Judicial Watch Judicial Watch serves as an ethical and legal "watchdog" over our government, legal, and judicial systems to promote a return to ethics and morality in our nation's public life.

Justice for All Our mission is to promote, through education, justice and the right to life for the unborn and all vulnerable people by engaging university students.

The Justice Foundation This Foundation is the abortion malpractice and pro-life outreach website of the Law Firm of Attorney Claudia Rich Hojnowski.

Kansans for Life Home Page We are a statewide educational organization also engaged in social action. We are dedicated to protecting and fostering the most basic human right ... Life Itself.

Keyes, Dr. Alan (Renew America) Americans must never cease to declare, as our Founders did, our common commitment to the American vision of self-government--ordered liberty under God.

Kids4Kids Kids4Kids is a group of kids fighting abortion.

Kindley, John Read about the potential legal liability of abortion providers who do not inform women about the prospect of increased risk for breast cancer following an induced abortion.

Knights of Columbus, Lake Charles, LA This is the pro-life page of the Lake Charles, LA Assembly.

Knights of Columbus Vermont State Council The Vermont Knights are saving babies from death by abortion.

Knights of Columbus, Council 628 and PA State Council These Knights are actively pro-life!

Kosciusko County, IN Right to Life We work to educate the public about abortion and other sanctity of life issues through a variety of means including presentations, videos, billboards, television commercials, and special events.

Laclede County (MI) Right to Life On these pages you will find information and/or links about abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide, crisis pregnancy centers, fetal development, Roe v. Wade, Post-abortion Syndrome, political action, and more.

Lake Superior Chapter of Lutherans for Life (Duluth, MN) We believe that life is a gift from the Lord, and should cherished form conception to the return to our Lord.

Lancaster County Life (PA) "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done."

Last Harvest Ministries, Inc. We provide help to those who have had abortions and are in crisis pregnancies.

L.E.A.R.N. Inc. This is the largest, African-American, evangelical pro-life ministry in the United States.

L.E.A.R.N. Northeast Chapter This project covers the development, production and distribution of the "Sanctity of Life" curriculums to African American churches.

Leftout A haven for progressive pro-lifers, liberals who are pro-life.

Letters for Life Are you willing to give 15 minutes to influence and educate on behalf of the unborn babies?

Letters from Baby Doe This is a fictional story that remembers the generations of unborn children whose lives have been unnaturally cut short through abortion.

Libertarians for Life This organization presents purely scientific and philosophical arguments against abortion, from a libertarian perspective.

Life Athletes Promoting pro-life and pro-family values through the good example of pro-life athletes…

Life Call Devoted to Educating Youth on Abortion and Prolife Issues

Life Care Center for Women, KS We combine practical assistance with compassionate lay counseling for women and teens in crisis situations.

Life Choices, New Jersey Pregnant? Remember there is a great network of resources available to you!

Life Dynamics, Inc. This organization launches numerous innovative projects, such as Lifetalk (a monthly video program available by subscription), surveillance of the abortion industry, abortion malpractice litigation, and much more.

Life Education Fund of Colorado, Inc. We promote the worth and rights of vulnerable people through positive and compelling television commercials.

Life Issues Institute Counters the "who decides" and "pro-choice" mentality in American society…

Life Legal Defense Foundation Giving innocent and helpless human beings of any age, particularly unborn children, a trained and committed defense against the threat of death, and supporting their advocates in the nation's courtrooms, LLDF will accomplish its mission and purpose through the law and education.

LifeNet New Jersey We work in New Jersey to protect unborn children at the community level. We accomplish this through mutually reinforcing educational projects across the spectrum of the pro-life effort.

Life on the Line A weekly, 28 minute broadcast hosted by Fr. Frank Pavone will inform and inspire you and equip you to defend and advance pro-life values.

Life Priority Network Our purpose is to inform concerned citizens about crucial life issues such as abortion, to make known the position of legislators and candidates on these issues and to bring the legislative process to the laity.

Life Research Institute We work primarily is to save the lives and health of women, babies, and men by reducing the rate of promiscuity and abortion.

LifeSavers Ministries Our primary purpose is to serve the front-line volunteers, providing resources and support for individuals who are following God's call to serve as missionaries to pregnant women and their children.

Lifespan (Detriot, MI) Right to Life-Lifespan believes that human life has value in all stages of development from conception until natural death, and is committed to speaking on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves -- the unborn, the aged, the incapacitated.

Lifetime Adoption We are an adoption support and referral group located in California. Our mission is to help families and birth mothers come together.

Life Training Institute We teach you how to persuasively communicate the pro-life message in the secular marketplace.

Life: What a Beautiful Choice On the 29th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Aubrey Ana showed the world that YES! Life is a beautiful choice.

Life's Silver Linings, Inc. Our mission is to promote the positive values of life from the womb to the tomb. We provide information and educational programs that promote the positive values of life.

Link National Adoption Registry We exist to provide a truly viable alternative -- to place children received by referral only with adoptive families of Christian character from the membership of the Link Registry.

Living Alternatives We are based in Tyler, Texas and offer our friendship, constructive answers and support to those facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Liz Toolan Home Page Joan Andrews Bell information, rosary novena, and other pro-life items of interest

Long Island Coalition for Life We are dedicated to advancing respect for human life from conception until natural death utilizing education and peaceful activism.

Los Angeles Pregnancy Services We reach out to pregnant women is need and offer informative counseling, baby products and information about available community resources.

Louisiana Right to Life Federation
This is the state of Louisiana's largest and most influential pro-life organization.

Lumina: Post-Abortion Referral Network If you are living in the New York area we can refer you to a healing service, a counselor or support group near you.

Lutherans for Life of the Mid-Atlantic States This chapter of Lutherans for Life, compelled by God's Word, speaks on behalf of innocent human life.

Maine Right to Life We believe in the sanctity and worth of all human life and convince others in the truth of this belief.

Main Line Life Line                                                                                           We are a coalition of Christian churches and members of other faith communities located along Route 30 from BalaCynwyd to Malvern, PA, promoting the sanctity of human life and opposing the culture of death.

Manasota SOLVE, Inc. We are a maternity home in Bradenton, FL that serves both minors and adult women throughout their pregnancy.

March for Life Legal and Defense Fund                                                   Website of the Annual March for Life (Miss Nellie Gray)

Marquette University Students for Life                                      We are an organization of undergraduate and graduate students dedicated to promoting a culture of life on the Marquette campus and in the Milwaukee community.

Martin County Right to Life                                                                             We are located in Southern Indiana and we love them both - the mother and the baby!

Maryland Right to Life                                                                                    The mission of Maryland Right to Life is to present detailed, factual information that will enable the general public to make informed decisions about abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, and other life issues.

Mary's Choice                                                                                                We are a home and Helping Hand Program for young women located outside Bailey, Colorado. We provide young women the opportunity to reflect and learn in a loving, structured home for the duration of their pregnancies with ongoing support

The Mary Elizabeth Maternity Home                                                               This is a Christian home that gives unwed mothers an alternative to abortion.

Mary Weslin Homes for Pregnant Unwed Mothers These homes provide a safe haven for women in crisis pregnancies.

The Mass
(from St. Ann's Shrine, Scranton, PA) Features liturgical calendar, readings, homilies and prayer petitions from masses celebrated by Fr. Peter Grace, C.P.(and other priests, including staff of Priests for Life) at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Saint Ann. Mass is televised on the Odyssey Network. Site has prayer enrollment cards and wonderful gift items relating to the Mass.

Medical Students Supporting Life Provides a forum for collegiate discussion of abortion issues.

Meehan Reports                                                                                                This site has reporting, commentary, and book reviews on crucial topics and suggests practical ways to protect and defend human life.

Men for Life We are an organization of men that support the right-to-life of babies and give a voice to fathers in the abortion battle.

Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life MCCL is an organization comprised of thousands of citizens from every faith and discipline, bound by the common belief that each individual is "endowed by their creator" with the right to "Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Missionaries to the Preborn                                                                        Christian ministry that affirms the humanity of the pre-born

Missionaries to the Unborn We believe that we, the Church, need to repent and put feet to our belief that abortion is murder.

Missionary Catholics United for Life This is a Catholic, pro-life advocacy organization located in Pennsylvania. "Operation Holy Presence" is a new approach to end abortion.

Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission to reverence life, end abortion, bring conversion & heal victims of post-abortion syndrome.

MIT Pro-Life MIT Pro-Life is a student organization devoted to fostering respect for human life from the moment of conception, and to promoting educational support for the pro-life position.

Mother of Life Center We are based in Providence, RI and we are committed to promoting life by providing free assistance to pregnant teens and women.

National Association of Pro-life Nurses                                                    Offering encouragement, legal and moral guidance, and scholarships…

National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life                                                  We are a ministry committed to witness the gift of life in the Black community.

National Black Pro-Life Union Information about abortion, Pro-Life, and Abstinence can be found on this website.

National Catholic Bioethics Center This center provides a Catholic perspective on moral issues in the health and life sciences.

National Catholic Office for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) Vigilant in promoting the inclusion of Catholics with disabilities in their parish communities and the total fabric of society.

National Coalition for Life and Peace Promoting life through a positive, right-to-life ethic and nonviolence.

National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (NCHLA) Working closely with the US Catholic Bishops, NCHLA assists state Catholic conferences, dioceses and Catholic lay groups.

National Institute of Family and Life Advocates                                          This organization exists to provide life-affirming pregnancy help centers and the best legal education, consultation, and training possible.

National Lawyers Association This association is shaped by the conviction that the Constitution is to be interpreted in the light of the principles and transcendent truths set forth in the Declaration of Independence, including the Sanctity of Life.

National Life Chain This site will give you the information needed to hold a life chain in your area.

National Life Teen National Catholic ministry for teens

National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing Founded in 1990, the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing, Inc. provides education and counseling regarding post-abortion issues.

National Pro-Life Registry We are your portal to the vast pro-life resources on the internet. Links are provided to national, state, and local sites dedicated to promoting the right to life of all people from the moment of conception through natural death.

National Pro-Life Religious Council An ecumenical umbrella council of pro-life religious groups of many denominations

National Right to Life

National Teens for Life This group shouts our generation's response to the abortion holocaust.

National Womens' Coalition for Life                                                          NWCL is an umbrella organization for national women's groups that oppose abortion, with a total membership of over 1,800,000

Nebraska Right to Life An affiliate of National Right to Life, this group will make cutting-edge efforts to stop aborted fetal tissue research.

Nebraskans United for Life Our purpose is to secure once again the legal and social recognition of the right to life of each individual.

Nevada LIFE
To engage the hearts and laws of Nevadans to save unborn children and the vulnerable."

New Hampshire Citizens for Life We work to educate the citizens of New Hampshire on the facts of human life's development and the reality of abortion.

New Hampshire Right to Life NHRTL was founded to foster respect for human life from the moment of conception to natural death and to promote the right to life as the paramount social issue through educational, legislative, political, and other forms of lawful activity.

New Jersey Right to Life The State’s Largest and Oldest Pro-Life Organization

New York State Right to Life Committee This site will provide you with New York state pro-life news and alerts.

North Carolina Right to Life                                                                         Through public policy and legislation on both the federal and state levels, this group works to protect all innocent human life threatened by abortion, infanticide and euthanasia.

North Dakota Life League                                                                           Working to restore and protect the personhood and inalienable right to life of all citizens of our state…without exception and without compromise.

North Dakota Right to Life Our vision is that all vulnerable persons in our society will be protected throughout the span of their lives from conception to natural death.

Northwest Family Services Provides classes in Natural Family Planning and LifeSaver retreats for Catholic 8th graders, directed to respect for life and chastity

Not Dead Yet Americans with Disabilities against mercy-killing

The Nurturing Network 32,000 volunteer member resources nationwide provide individually tailored practical support to college and working women with unplanned pregnancies including counseling, medical, residential, educational, employment and financial resources.

Ohio Right to Life                                                                                          Variety of pro-life resources…

Olen Interactive Pregnancy Calendar Builds a day-by-day customized calendar detailing the development of a baby from before conception to birth

Operation Outcry Operation Outcry seeks to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade by mobilizing those who have been silent about the harmful effects of abortion.

Operation Save America                                                                       Operation Save America unashamedly takes up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ. We employ only biblical principles.

Opportunities for Life                                                                                                   We offer a 24-hour toll-free hotline for the state of Kentucky, providing personal, confidential, compassionate and practical information to those experiencing untimely pregnancies.

Oregon Right to Life                                                                                     Oregon Right to Life is Oregon's oldest, largest, and most comprehensive pro-life organization.

People for Life                                                                                                               An all volunteer affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, Inc. and the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation                                                            
Defending the right to life in Pennsylvania…

Pennsylvanians for Human Life                                                                     Our primary purpose us to present fully detailed and factual information upon which individuals and the general public may make informed decisions about various topics such as abortion.

Petition for a Right to Live Amendment Sign this online petition to support a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Pharmacists' Conscience Clause                                                                     This website contains information about the conscience cause for pharmacists, and other related news articles.

Pharmacy Has a Conscience Problem An article about Kmart firing a Pharmacist for not distributing abortifacient birth control methods.

Philadelphia Natural Family Planning Network Our Mission is to inform the public that NFP is in accordance with God's order of creation

PLAGAL This is the prolife alliance of gays and lesbians.

Pope Paul VI Institute    Resources in bioethics and reproductive technologies in accordance with the Church's teachings…

Pregnancy Care Clinic    We help pregnant women in Washington State.

Pregnancy Centers Online Provides information through which people can find life-saving assistance across the country.

Presbyterians Pro-Life Gives prophetic witness to Biblical teaching concerning the sacred value of the family and human life…

Pro-Choice Violence This web site was designed to document and provide to the public, evidence in the public domain, of violence associated with abortion.

Pro-Health Natural Fertility We are committed to promoting non-contraceptive obstetric/gynecological medical practices which affirm a woman’s innate dignity and cooperate with the times and seasons of her body.

Project 33 On January 22, 2004 thousands of like-minded Christians will come together for a rally and workshops to equip and educate today's youth about the atrocities of abortion.

Project Rachel We provide resources for healing after an abortion.

Project Reach We offer hard data about the abortion crisis in the NYC area and information regarding life-affirming alternatives to abortion.

Pro-Life Across America This organization is known as "the Billboard People," sponsors thousands of pro-life educational ads each year, reaching people and saving women and babies from abortion.

Prolife Action League Saving babies' lives through non-violent direct action

Pro-Life Action Ministries Stopping Abortion - One Life at a Time

Pro-Life Adoption Policy The site shows the connection between abortion rates and the release of adoption records.

Pro-Life America Web site full of educational articles about abortion, healing after an abortion, personal testimonials, chastity, purity in dating, pro-life celebrities and athletes, scriptural teachings on the life issues, and more.

Pro-Life Billboards We provide billboard production rates that will reflect near wholesale prices.

Pro Life Communications Pro Life Communications, a long distance company, was formed for the sole purpose of supporting pro-life activities through donations.

Pro-Life Forum This is a ministry of the Proclamation Presbyterian Church.

Pro-Life Guy's Take I'm Jewish and pro-life.

Pro-Life Maternal Fetal Medicine We are maternal-fetal medicine physicians dedicated to respect for, and preservation of, both mother and fetus in each pregnancy.

Pro-Life Mississippi

Pro-Life Music Festival We want to rock America back to life!

Prolife Pastor Network Prolife Pastor Network unites thousands of pastors into a grass-roots network that will heavily influence the President into taking more aggressive steps to help end abortion.

Pro-Lifers Against Clinic Violence This website represents the majority of pro-lifers who do not support violence.

Pro-Life Rosary Apostolate A Catholic Pro-Life Apostolate based in Portland, Oregon and rooted in the power of prayer to end abortion and doctor-assisted suicide.

Pro-Life Washington Since 1991 Pro-Life Washington's educational mission is to reach out through media ads to people who may not be reached in any other way.

Pro-Life Wisconsin Your 100% Pro-life Voice

Quovadis America This website examines America’s role and responsibility in the abortion issue.

Rachel's Hope We offer post abortion healing and reconciliation for Catholic or Catholic-friendly women.

Rachel’s Vineyard There is hope for those who have had abortions…As well as healing retreats, for which you will find a schedule here.

Raphael’s Refuge We exist to build a monument for the unborn who have died and to provide a place of spiritual healing for those who have suffered the loss of an unborn child.

Real Alternatives This organization is committed to assisting women in crisis pregnancies by providing compassionate, practical, life-affirming alternatives to abortion.

Republican National Coalition for Life Keep up to date on issues within the Republican party related to pro-life concerns

Rescue Live This site describes a project to rescue aborted children who are born alive.

Resources We help you find an organization in your area that will provide you with the necessary support you need to carry through on your child's birth.

Right to Life Committee of New Mexico

Right to Life League of Southern California The League is committed to promoting a culture of life that supports and protects the unborn, women who are experiencing a crisis pregnancy, the disabled, and the elderly.

Right to Life of Michigan Excellent pro-life materials professionally prepared…

Rock for Life Fighting the deception and manipulation of youth by the music industry, Rock for Life brings together bands who stand for the truth that abortion is killing

SafeHaven Ministries Finding healing from the trauma of Post-Abortion Syndrome--an information site, not a professional counseling site. Offers chat rooms for post-abortive individuals to share in a confidential manner

St. Elizabeth's New Life Center We wish to serve women in Ohio during their pregnancy in anyway that we can. We have numerous free services to help you with various needs during this time.

St. George Pro-Life You will find a wide variety of pro-life information on this site.

St. Louis NFP Association We work to meet the needs of support, fellowship and instruction among all members of our community who share our commitment to honor God's wish for married couples.

Save My Children Ministry We are a Christian Ministry based on the Word of God and are committed to love and assist pregnant young girls, teenagers, and women.

Scripture Wall Learn about praying on the streets of the Hudson and Mohawk Valleys in northeast New York.

The Second Look Project This project offers information on abortion to help people make informed decisions based on fact rather than emotion.

Several Sources Foundation This organization runs shelters for mothers and their babies.

Shrine of the Holy Innocents Names of aborted children may be enrolled at this simple, beautiful memorial at the Church of the Holy Innocents in New York City.

Sisters of Life Cardinal O'Connor's religious community of women dedicated to pro-life

South Carolina Citizens for Life We are devoted to restoring legal personhood to the unborn and to protecting innocent human life.

Spiritual Adoption of the Unborn On this web site you will learn how to spiritually adopt an Unborn Child.

St. Joseph's Covenant Keepers Christian fatherhood: online resources for dads plus network

Stand True A new, dynamic, national pro-life youth organization, directed by Bryan Kemper.

Stanford Students for Life We come from all denominations, political allegiances, races, sexual orientations, and sexes. We welcome all those who wish to preserve life.

STOPP International We intend to cause such discontent with Planned Parenthood programs that it will have no choice but to close its doors and get out of town!

Students for Life Students for Life provides encouragement and advice for those students who want ideas on how to make a Pro-Life difference in their schools and communities.

Survivors If you were born after 1972, we challenge you to consider yourself a survivor of the abortion holocaust.

Susan B. Anthony List “Training pro-life women in the political arena"

Teachers Saving Children We believe that the intentional abuse or destruction of children at any stage of development contradicts the high ideals of our profession.

Teen-Aid This organization was started in 1981 for the specific purpose of reducing out-of-wedlock teen pregnancies and their many consequences.

Tennessee Right to Life This site helps you get connected with all aspects of the pro-life movement of Tennessee.

Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation Fighting for Terri's life, and how you can help…

Texans for Life Coalition

Texas Right to Life The Texas Right to Life Committee, Inc. is the oldest, largest, and only statewide Pro-Life organization in Texas solely dedicated to Pro-Life issues.

The Third Chair™ Our mission is to promote life through education, pro-life awareness, and advocacy in order to inspire the heart and conscience to the mission of the value of life.

The Timothy Plan America's first pro-life, pro-family, biblically-based mutual fund

Tiller's Patient Speaks I want to share my abortion experience at George Tiller’s clinic in Kansas. Please read what I have to say before you decide to have an abortion.

Total LifeCare Centers, Inc. (TLC) We are a network of 24 pregnancy-help centers in Minnesota and Wisconsin, with headquarters in St. Paul/Minneapolis.

The Truth on Abortion This is a call to America to repent!

Tucson March for Life Our site will update you about various pro-life activities in Arizona.

Tulare-Kings, CA Right To Life Our objectives are to disseminate pro-life information, provide information concerning support systems and services available, provide speakers and participate in pro-life activities.

Tumas Taskforce of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality (TUMAS) works to prevent abortion through theological, pastoral and social emphases that support human life

UNborn in the USA We give you the flip-side of Roe vs. Wade you won’t get from NOW or NARAL.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Secretariat for Pro-life Activities The website of the pro-life office of the US Bishops, providing Church documents, commentary, press releases, and pro-life programs and publications.

University Faculty for Life This group was founded in 1989 to promote research, dialogue and publication among faculty members who respect the value of human life from its inception to natural death.

University Life Advocates University Life Advocates is a peaceful, nonpartisan, non sectarian group dedicated to preserving the life ethic by opposing abortion, euthanasia, and infanticide.

Vanderbilt Students For Life We are composed of students who are interested in protecting the lives of the unborn.

Vermont Right To Life Committee The Vermont Right To Life Committee, through peaceful, legal means seeks changes in public opinion, public policy, the law, and individual behavior that respect each person's right to life, and reject abortion, euthanasia, and other actions that deny this most basic of all human rights.

Victims of Choice This is a Christ-centered, internationally recognized ministry promoting abortion awareness and education.

Virginia Society for Human Life This society is a voluntary and non-denominational organization united in the belief that the human being in his innate dignity and should be safeguarded by law at every stage of biological development.

Vital Signs Ministries Christ-centered pro-life agency, created to help tell the truth about abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, chastity and other life issues

Voice for Life Our ministry was started in 1992 as an effort to encourage Christians in the Bakersfield (California) area to "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves" (Proverbs 31:8).

Voice for the Unborn An action-packed newsletter with real-life stories on sidewalk visits to schools and telephone counseling.

Voices for the Unborn National Pro-Life Newspaper - Weekly TV Show - Radio Broadcast

Volunteers for Life We are a pro-life volunteer corps made up of people who give one or more years of their life in full time volunteer service.

 Vote for Life First Our mission is to identify, encourage and promote political candidates who respect the lives of all United States citizens in their respective districts, born and preborn.

Wash for Life We are organizing thousands of groups across the nation to hold car washes to benefit their local pregnancy care centers - all on the same day!

W.A.K.E. U.P. Women Against Killing and Exploitation of Unprotected Persons is a movement founded by five mothers which seeks to inform the American public that trafficking of baby body parts is occurring in our nation.

Wayne County Right to Life This is an active chapter affiliated with WV for Life and the National Right to Life Organizations. We believe abortion is murder and should not be performed under any circumstance.

West Virginians for Life WVFL works to educate through the presentation of detailed and factual information about fetal development, abortion, alternatives to abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and related issues.

Where did our children go?   "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." Matthew 25:40

William and Mary Students for Life We educate students about options available to women facing crisis pregnancies, as well as those men and women whose lives are affected in any way by abortion.

Wisconsin Right to Life The vision of Wisconsin Right to Life is to touch hearts and minds so that all will cherish human life.

Woman to Woman Support Network, Inc. We give women the help and encouragement they need to choose life.

Women Affirming Life

Women At Risk National coalition of women who have had abortions who want to hold abortion practitioners to greater medical accountability to their patients, to help women seek compensation for abortion-related injuries, to reduce the number of unwanted abortions, and to help heal women from memories of the abortion experience.

Women’s Center We offer encouragement and real help for those in difficult circumstance.

Women's Choice Center We provide free services, counseling and referrals to pregnant and post-abortive women. Our mission is to save the lives of babies threatened by abortion.

Woman's New Life Center We provide pregnancy assistance including free professional counseling, pregnancy testing and ultrasound in the greater New Orleans area.

Youth for Life We who were born since 1973 grieve the prenatal deaths of 40 million friends and peers that we never had a chance to meet.

Yuba-Sutter Right to Life We spread the pro-life message throughout the community of Yuba City, CA.